Check PMT Score | My Website

The PMT Score (Poverty Score) is an important criterion for evaluating family or individual eligibility for the Ehsaas Rashan Program, especially the Ehsaas NADRA Rashan program Scheme. This initiative strives to aid individuals in need by providing vital food supplies to lessen the burden of poverty. This post will walk you through verifying your PMT Score online.

Check PMT Score

What are PMT Score Criteria for Ehsaas Rashan?

The PMT Score is a numerical figure that represents a family’s or individual’s poverty level. It is crucial in assessing eligibility for the Ehsaas NADRA Rashan Scheme. What you need to know about the PMT Score criterion is as follows:

  • PMT Score less than or equal to 32: Congratulations if your PMT Score falls within this range! You are qualified for the Ehsaas NADRA Rashan Scheme. You satisfy the requirements for help.
  • Between 33 and 40 on the PMT: Individuals or families with this range of PMT scores are presently ineligible for the program. There is, however, a silver lining. While you may not be qualified for the current program, you may be for the next one. Keep a look out for announcements and updates.

How to Check PMT Score for the 9000 Ehsaas Rashan Program?

It is simple to check your PMT Score for the Ehsaas NADRA Rashan program Scheme. To retrieve your PMT Score online, follow these steps: 

Step 1: Open Your Preferred Web Browser

Start your favorite online browser, whether it’s Chrome, Firefox, Safari, or another one you’ve installed.

Step 2: Conduct a Google search.

Enter “PMT Score by Ehsaas NADRA” into the search field. This search will direct you to the official portal or website where you may obtain your PMT Score.

Step 3: Navigate to the Official Portal

Click on the first link or the official website that appears in the search results to obtain the PMT Score information.

Step 4: Provide Your National CNIC

You will find a specific section on the webpage where you must input your National CNIC (Computerized National Identity Card) number. Enter the right CNIC, since this information is required for accurate results.

Step 5: Press the “SEARCH” button.

After you’ve entered your CNIC, click the “SEARCH” button. This action causes the system to obtain and show your PMT Score depending on the CNIC you gave.

Step 6: View Your PMT Score

Your PMT Score will be shown on the screen if you have already enrolled for the Ehsaas Rashan Program. This score will decide whether or not you are eligible for the program.

BISP PMT Score for the Citizen

You can find out your survey score around twenty-four hours after taking the survey or forty-eight hours after doing the survey. You may find out your score by doing the survey at the same time. If your score is less than 32, you will be eligible for the Kafalat and Benazir income programs. If your score is higher than 32, you are ineligible for this program.

So, who owns this website? It is owned by the government and has been repaired by the utilities store organization. That is, the government has produced a new package for the poor in which the utility store subsidy is granted to those households that have been surveyed through the Benazir Income Support Program and have a PMT score of 40 or below. If one’s salary is less than $40, one receives a substantial subsidy on the products offered at the utility shop.


The PMT Score for the Ehsaas Rashan Program is an important requirement for program eligibility. You may simply check your PMT Score online and see if you qualify for the Ehsaas NADRA Rashan program Scheme by following the easy procedures given in this article. Remember, the goal of this program is to offer much-needed assistance to individuals in need, and correct evaluation via the PMT Score ensures that aid reaches the intended recipients.